The Good Foundation believes in the power of community and the transformation that can happen when groups of people come together towards our common good.
The Good Foundation, founded by Ashlee and Chris Kleinert, is a 501(c)(3) with the mission of serving populations in need of a chance. Our values of Compassion, Innovation, Collaboration, Resource, and Community align and strengthen our collective identity. These values reflect our founders’ inspiration, character, and influence. While the Foundation will continue to evolve to ensure we are relevant and effective, our values will inform our decision-making.
Guiding Principles
Philanthropy is a privilege and opportunity.
The board will conduct itself with integrity and compassion. We will remain devoted to the family’s legacy, yet we will impart our authentic perspective and experience.
Community is a cornerstone.
We will concentrate our investments in areas where we can build and be involved in the community.
Collaboration is essential in our decision-making.
We are not here to reinvent the wheel, but rather add value through strategic partnerships and leveraging of opportunities.
Compassion leads our work.
We intend to positively impact the communities in which we live by working with vulnerable populations to restore dignity.
Innovation is key.
By focusing on the greater Dallas area and vulnerable populations at the intersection of complex issues, we welcome new approaches to create sustainable solutions.
Leveraging our intellectual and social capital magnifies our grantmaking.
We convene groups of people together to strengthen organizations in our focus areas and share ideas to reduce redundancy and improve efficiency models.
Calculated risks are necessary.
By conducting due diligence, asking the right questions and surrounding ourselves with quality people and organizations, we can be leaders with significant impact.

Our Logo
Our logo design is inspired by the look and meaning of rams and wellsprings. Rams symbolize determination, action, initiative, and leadership. Wellsprings represent an original and bountiful source of something. Those both spoke to the guiding principles of our foundation. The subtle cross in the center is a reference to our faith in Jesus Christ, which is at the center of all that we do. We chose green as our core branding color because it is the color of life and also symbolizes growth and harmony.
Letter from Founders
Do not be interested only in your own life but be interested in the lives of others.
(Philippians 2:4)
”We established the foundation in 2017 with the belief that our family is strongest when we work together to help others. Creating the foundation has provided us structure and purpose to increase our collective impact. As our parents did before us, we seek to become change-makers doing our part to make a difference.
We also believe that foundations have a responsibility to do their own research and due diligence, assuming this role with both intelligence and integrity. We take this responsibility seriously and strive to better understand the challenges facing North Texas as we partner with others to identify and support solutions.
The Good Foundation portfolio of grant recipients will include those with a long history of Kleinert support that have a consistent record of addressing specific needs. We will also strive to work with new and emerging organizations that show promise for addressing issues and challenges more effectively than existing organizations. We may take some calculated risks and support the creation and launching of new charitable organizations when such an approach is compelling and the best way to accomplish an important objective. While as a family we have many shared interests, we each have our own perspectives and passions. Therefore, the Foundation giving will reflect the diverse interests of our individual family members. The goal is that each and every contribution will have a unique longstanding impact and support creative and collaborative thinking.
In partnership,The Kleinert Family

Kaileigh Johnson
Executive Director
About Kaileigh
Kaileigh Johnson is originally from Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and is a current Program Officer at the Good Foundation where she manages the relationships with external partnerships. Before her current role, she served as a Case Manager at Café Momentum for four years where she helped to create the Case Management program and aided the youth in media/speaking opportunities. Kaileigh is a social worker and youth advocate by trade with over ten years of experience dating back to her time at Oklahoma State University where she majored in Sociology. Currently, she is also involved with the Communities Foundation of Texas, Austin Street, United2Learn, and 24 Hour Dallas.